Congrats! You just made planning for Playful Learning easier.
Well done on taking an empowered step forward to focus on your professional development...
This Playful Activities & Planning Pack gives you the tools you need to plan and setup simple, playful experiences that provide opportunities to meet learning outcomes but don’t need expensive resources, complicated prep time or a program that took you hours to write.
I know you are going to love your new resources...here's how to get started...

Your next step is to check your inbox for an email from 'Jodie Clarke' - it will contain your receipt with all of your download links including a PDF that contains a link and special password that gives you access online to view the webinar recording.
If you do not see your email within 45 - 60 minutes of payment please email [email protected] and let us know!
Unfortunately emails won't arrive if you have entered your email address incorrectly at the checkout so contact us if you don't see it!

While you are waiting for it to arrive go ahead and click here to join our FREE Empowered Ed Facebook Community for more inspiration & ideas.