Congrats! You Now Have Access To Your Mentor Resource Bundle...
Please scroll down for your next steps to access all of your mentor resources.

Please follow the steps below to watch your Mentor Me videos:
You will now receive an email to the address you entered at the checkout:
This email contains your official purchase receipt for accounting purposes.
Make sure to save this somewhere safe so you can claim as a work related expense.
To access your bundle of training and other resources you'll be prompted to create a password after clicking on the links I've left for you down below - this will give you access to your 'My Learning Network' page.
If you already have access to other resources inside the Empowered Educator Learning Network you can login using your usual password as long as the email is the same.
Not ready to start watching just yet? - No worries - you can login and open your own personal professional development page 'My Learning Network' where the mentor bundle you have purchased will be waiting at anytime it suits you.
I'll be sending you a welcome email shortly with a visual step by step guide to login and watch.
If you don't see an email in your inbox after 30 minutes please complete the following troubleshooting tips:
If you have a gmail or hotmail account please check the promotions tab or spam folder.
Use the search bar in your email inbox and enter 'the empowered ed'
If you still don't see your receipt or login details email in your inbox please contact us using the support address below
Here's 2 other ways I can help you...
Join other early childhood Educators, Leaders & Teachers in our FREE Facebook Group
Join us in The Academy For Empowered Educators to make your job easier with access to AI Assistants, planning templates, training videos, action guides and mentorship