Join Now To Claim The Special Founding Member Price of Just $9.97 Per Month!

No More Burnout:

How Using AI As Your Personal Assistant Can Transform Your Early Education Planning & Practice!

Find Out How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Everything For Early Childhood Educators when you join the brand new membership resource hub from The Empowered Educator! 

Tired of endless planning, feeling overwhelmed with documentation, and struggling to keep a healthy work-life balance?

We've all been there – spending Sunday afternoon catching up on planning, missing precious family moments, and feeling like you need to catch up even though it’s only Monday morning. 

We’re struggling to keep touch with the very reason we chose this profession - to make a difference in young lives and provide meaningful opportunities for early education through the wonder of play based experiences.

But what if I told you it doesn't have to be this way anymore?

Welcome to the Future of Early Childhood Planning...

And The Secret To Simplifying Early Education Planning For Educators & Increasing Meaningful Early Education Outcomes For Children...

Introducing the Ai Empowered Educators Membership...

This is a breakthrough solution that provides a comprehensive suite of resources, tools, on demand workshops and support specifically created to meet the unique needs and challenges of early childhood educators, teachers, directors, coordinators and leaders who want to feel empowered to use artificial intelligence - not overwhelmed or afraid of it!

At the core of our AI membership lies the shared goal of simplifying program writing, planning, assessment, documentation, and creating engaging activity ideas and environment setups.

Expert guidance and The Empowered Educator trademark ‘Keep It Simple’ support and workshop presentations will ensure that you not only stay informed about the latest AI trends and tools in early learning environments, you’ll also gain a competitive edge as you seek new opportunities for your specialised skills in early childhood education.

The AI Empowered Educators Membership provides clear, actionable steps, and easy-to-understand content, perfect for educators across all early childhood service types at any tech level.

The AI Empowered Educators membership hub is so much more than just a collection of resources...

It's a community where you can connect with like-minded, passionate educators, learn from one another, and receive personalised support and answers to questions from Jodie (that’s me!), your AI Empowered Educators expert & mentor.

Imagine the confidence that will come from developing the skills and understanding necessary for using AI in your day to day practices and pedagogy, then understanding how to apply that learning in real-work contexts, resulting in better outcomes not only for you but for the children and families who use your service and benefit from your additional skills.

Use Artificial Intelligence To YOUR Advantage With Access To …

Monthly AI Resource Toolkits

A treasure trove of resources & workshops designed to help you seamlessly integrate artificial intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT into your day to day work with children so that:

  • Planning & documentation is faster for you as educator AND leads to more meaningful outcomes for the children…
  • Thinking of interesting ideas for play based activities to include in your program each week becomes fun again…
  • Linking to EYLF learning outcomes, developmental milestones, schema behaviours, standards and principles takes you just minutes (no matter where you live or what standards you follow!)...
  • Setting up interesting, open ended environments and experiences that spark engagement, investigation and early learning through play is faster and more rewarding…

EVERY month a new toolkit of resources and training is released for members - all carefully designed to empower you with the knowledge and skills to harness the full potential of AI and ChatGPT in your early education planning and day to day practice.
You'll see plenty of video examples (like the one below) and case studies to help you better understand the process and how to use artificial intelligence tools specifically for your early childhood role!

Even with no technical expertise whatsoever, you'll soon be confidently integrating chatting with an AI Assistant into your day to day early childhood planning and practice as educator, leader, director, assistant, coordinator or manager.

Here's What You Get Inside EVERY Monthly Toolkit :

2 Hour 'Time Saver Topic' Workshop Video

Presented by me with lots of realistic examples relevant to early childhood settings and screenshares so I can take you step by step visually through the many different ways you can use artificial intelligence to make your role as educator easier. 

Watch anytime on demand when it works best for you, claim a professional development certificate and see real examples and step by step solutions broken down into manageable bit size sections on topics that matter in early childhood - not just education in general!

airtable ChatGPT Prompt Advantage library 

Access 'done for you' ChatGPT Prompts categorised in an Airtable and broken down for you already using the simple to follow EASE framework so they are helpful for your role with fill in the blanks sections that easily personalise the prompts to ensure your day-to-day practice becomes easier and more impactful.

Toolkit Reflect &Take Action Guides

Use the workshop reflection questions and simple action steps in each ‘take action guide’ to help you take what you see and hear in the workshop and put it into practise for your early education setting, your specific role requirements, the unique framework, standards or principles you follow and the age group of the children you’re engaging with.

workshop slides - Interactive Learning Companion

You get access to an interactive and immersive learning journey that will help you continue to grow your skills and feel empowered time and time again...This isn't your ordinary workshop guide or boring slide deck; it's an interactive space where you can revisit that tricky concept to understand it better, engage with visual learning content and foster your reflective practice — all at your own pace

While you remain a current membership subscriber you’ll get access to all resources included in previous monthly toolkits as well as new ones added each month!

Picture leaving work on time, confident in your planning, and with energy to spend quality time with your loved ones. 

You'll be creating meaningful experiences for the children, nurturing your own well-being, and growing your skills as an educator.

From program planning and documentation to integration of EYLF outcomes and principles through playful learning activities and engaging, budget friendly environment setups, you'll discover how AI can significantly support and enhance every part of your work by gaining on demand access to...

Up To Date Training

I’m spending hours doing ongoing research and testing so you don’t have to!

Private Chat Forum

Connect with other educators interested in AI & find answers to your questions.


Acknowledge your new skills and boost your resume with professional development certificates.

By joining *AI Empowered Educators*, you'll be stepping into the future of early childhood education, equipped with the tools, knowledge, and community you need to transform your teaching approach. 

Introductory Membership Price - $9.97 Monthly!

Because this is a brand new membership, I’m giving my current Empowered Ed Community of educators and leaders an invitation to join now for the introductory membership price of just $9.97/month, I can guarantee you this is the lowest it will ever be! But not for long...

Why? Because I've only begun to build our monthly content library - as soon as I have 6 months of AI content inside the membership the monthly subscription price will rise…not for my founding members who join for $9.97 though - you're monthly subscription will always stay at the same low price while a current member.

Hi, I'm Jodie...Your Planning, Play & Ai Mentor!

I'm an early childhood educator, presenter, trainer, mentor and writer...with a *mature & appropriate* crush on the boys from Supernatural 

Seriously though, with degrees in early childhood as well as social and human services I’ve been working with children and families in some way for over 35 years and that means a whole lot of lessons learnt, mistakes made and knowledge gained.

I have worked in many different roles across the human services and early childhood professions over those past 35 years so it's likely I have already walked in similar shoes to your own. I know what is helpful (and definitely NOT helpful or useful) to educators because I am one too.

I'm always researching and testing out new ways to do 'educator things' more effectively and efficiently so we can spend more time interacting with the children and less time writing documentation...and that's why I just trained to become a certified ChatGPT expert who continues to investigate ways we can use Artificial Intelligence to support and enhance our skills and knowledge as early childhood professionals... (not replace them)


Who is this membership helpful for?

The membership is designed for educators working in family daycare, childcare centres, early learning centres, outside school hours care, preschools, or kindergartens, regardless of their level of tech-savviness.

Is the membership suitable for educators working with different age groups and settings?

Yes, the membership is designed to support educators working with various age groups and in diverse settings, including family daycare, childcare centres, early learning centres, outside school hours care, preschools, and kindergartens.

Will AI replace educators?

AI is meant to enhance and support your role as an educator, not replace you. Our membership focuses on using AI as a tool to streamline your planning process, boost your efficiency, build on your experience and knowledge of the child and support forward planning to enrich each child's individual learning journey.

Can I cancel my membership if it's not the right fit for me?

Yes, you can cancel your membership at any time if you find it's not the right fit for your needs. I strive to make our membership as flexible and accommodating as possible so you'll want to stay though!

How do I know the membership will keep up with the latest advancements in AI and early childhood education?

I'm committed to staying informed about the latest AI trends, tools, and advancements in early learning environments. That's why I'm busy doing research, more training and testing everyday so you don't need to.

I then take what I think will be most useful for early childhood professionals and break it down into bite size pieces to regularly update the monthly toolkits and resources to ensure you have access to cutting-edge information and stay ahead of the curve in your role as an early childhood professional!

How can I access the membership content and resources?

Members can access the AI Empowered Educators mini hub by logging into the Empowered Educator Learning Network Professional Development Portal online from anywhere in the world. They can then access their own professional development page called 'My Learning Network.' So simple.

I'm not very tech-savvy; can I still benefit from this membership?

Absolutely! The membership is designed to help you overcome any fears or challenges with clear, actionable steps and Jodie's trademark easy-to-understand and 'keep it simple' content with lots of practical examples.

You'll gain confidence in using AI tools, even if you have no previous ai or tech experience.

New Workshop Videos Every Month...…

As a member of AI Empowered Educators, you'll have exclusive access to cutting-edge workshops, helping you stay informed and inspired in the ever-evolving world of early childhood education. 

Take a sneak peek at some of the upcoming monthly workshop topics you'll gain access to when each toolkit is released at the beginning of a new month in your AI Empowered Educators Membership...


10 Ways To Use ChatGPT As Your Assistant

What ChatGPT can do FOR you as an early childhood educator: Discover the powerful benefits of ChatGPT and how it can be used to support and expand on your skills and knowledge to create templates, personalise learning journey's, help you with assessment, link to learning framework outcomes and so much more!


ChatGPT & Child Observations:

Simplifying Documentation and Amplifying Quality Learning Outcomes for Children - Learn how to use ChatGPT to streamline your documentation process and enhance the learning outcomes for young children.


ChatGPT & Educational Leadership:

A Powerful Timesaving Tool to Enhance Teamwork, Communication, Planning & Performance - Explore the ways in which ChatGPT can improve your educational leadership skills, including fostering better teamwork, communication, planning, and performance.


ChatGPT & Outdoor Learning:

Harnessing AI to Enrich Nature-Based Experiences for Young Children: Uncover the potential of ChatGPT to create engaging outdoor learning experiences that foster a deep connection with nature.


Innovative Art and Creativity:

Integrating ChatGPT and AI into Early Education Art Experiences - Delve into the world of art and creativity by incorporating ChatGPT into your art-based learning activities.


AI & Play-Based Learning:

Crafting Enriching Play Experiences in Early Education: Discover the secrets to creating captivating play-based learning experiences using ChatGPT and AI technology.


AI, ChatGPT & Mindfulness:

Enhancing Emotional Well-being in Early Education: Understand the role of ChatGPT in promoting mindfulness and emotional well-being in early education settings.

Be the Educator You’ve Always Wanted to Be…And Enjoy It.

Reignite the spark that made you want to study early childhood and work with young children. 

By joining the AI Empowered Educators Membership, you're not just signing up for a service – you're embarking on a professional development journey that will put you way out in front while ultimately providing better outcomes for the children and families you work with .

Join me in saying goodbye to the stress and burnout of endless planning and documentation by replacing it with the knowledge of how to use AI as your personal assistant…

… so you’re no longer stuck in the groundhog day feeling of constant ‘catch up’ mode and can benefit instead from a renewed sense of excitement and passion for your work.

The AI Empowered Educators Membership…

Because Your Time, Passion, and Well-being Matters.

Join Now With The Introductory Special Subscription Price & SAVE!

Spaces for the AI Empowered Educators Membership are limited and demand is high. Don't miss out on this revolutionary opportunity to become a founding member & get ahead of other educators in this new digital age.

Your journey towards easier planning, engaging teaching, and personal well-being starts here. Your future self will thank you for it.

Let's make a real difference – for the young children we guide, and for ourselves. 

Together, we can redefine what it means to be an early childhood educator in the digital age.