An online workshop series for educators, leaders and coordinators working in family daycare, early learning centres and outside school hours care settings who want to set up inspiring outdoor learning environments but aren't sure where to start or what to do to create change...
How To Design, Setup & Plan For Outdoor Learning
With Environments That Consistently Promote Learning, Exploration, Independence, Spontaneity & A Connection To Environment.
I'm So Excited For You To Discover...
The simple steps you can follow to take your outdoor environment and program from boring to inspired and interesting through ‘outside the box’ ideas and the addition of low cost, recycled and everyday resources, more nature based materials, open ended learning opportunities and a simple play based program that combines with your outdoor environment to intentionally and incidentally extend learning and engage children daily.
Without Worrying You Are Going To Need...
A pair of those steel capped boots (so handy for play in the sandpit), a tradie toolbox packed with things (you have zero time or inclination to use), a magic money tree (that you’ve had the kids looking for to keep them busy ) and 2 extra days a week (let’s keep it real and just say the weekend shall we?) to fit in what must be additional prep and writing to create this new outdoor environment and program.
Nope, you won’t need to worry about any of that because I like keeping things simple - Don't you?
I’m NOT prepared to waste money on expensive resources and equipment just to tick a box...
I’ve worked as an educator and leader in Family Day Care, Early Learning Centres, Occasional Care and Outside School Hours Care settings and although I’m passionate about setting up engaging outdoor learning environments and experiences for children of all ages and stages….I’m NOT prepared to spend all my money on expensive resources and equipment or spend time I don’t have to write separate outdoor programs... just to look good on paper as ‘evidence’ or tick off a few learning outcome boxes.
And Neither Should You.
You don’t have the time, patience or budget for that. And I’m guessing that you’re probably not earning big bucks as a Pinterest or Instagram ‘influencer’ so you don’t need to spend hours creating perfect invitations to play or outdoor elements to snap a money shot or two before the children touch anything or ‘wreck’ it.
So Instead...

I’m going to show you how to simplify outdoor learning and link to the planning cycle just by using practical steps and strategies that don’t require you to study for a degree in outdoor landscaping, photography or writing.
If I can use all of the ideas I share with you in this workshop series in my own backyard without a single green thumb, landscaper or tradie in sight (well I did have my toddler twins helping but they certainly weren’t very professional so I chose not to pay them) then there is no reason you can’t do it too...whether your space is large, small or lumpy.
Before I tell you more about how this self paced video training series is going to help you simplify your outdoor planning and set up interesting outdoor learning environments that children AND YOU enjoy spending time in....
Let’s Decide If This Training Series Is The One For You

Supporting and encouraging outdoor play for children isn’t difficult - we just open the door right?
If that was true why does it so easily cause moments of uncertainty, frustration or rolling of the eyes when educators have to set up the outdoor space, embed sustainability, think of outdoor activities that lead to learning outcomes, capture children’s voices and meaningful moments then reflect on all of the above to inform our future programs?
Because The Truth Is…
People in the community tend to think all we educators do is open that door to outside then we get to sit back with a cuppa in the sun chatting while the kids go do their thing...and we get a nice break.
But YOU know that the reality is very different. You are an early childhood professional and you know a lot about children and early learning.
You’re told to...
Provide a balance of intentional and incidental playful learning opportunities.
You know you need to...
Put thought and time into how to set up the outdoor space so it meets and also challenges each child’s individual developmental, social, sensory and physical needs.
You’re aware of...
The framework, standards, regulations and planning expectations.
But in reality, and despite your best intentions... sometimes you DO just want to open that door and let them out to play.
Without doing any of the other ‘stuff’.
It’s absolutely normal, I’ve been there too and I’m pretty sure that most educators reading this right now would say they have felt the same way at some stage.
You're not doing anything wrong when you ‘just let them play outside’ or decide not to ‘write every single activity on a program’ when children are enjoying free play and spontaneous learning.
But the real truth here is that there must be BALANCE.
You ARE a professional educator and although they might not be able to tell you...children are relying on you to provide the opportunities and outcomes for early learning that they deserve.
If there’s not you can easily find yourself lacking the confidence to explain to parents, assessors, leaders and members of the community how just ‘opening the door to outside play’ is actually supporting, challenging and extending a child’s learning journey.

The good news is that there are some very simple strategies you can use to create a balance between environment and documentation.
Just because we are professionals, it doesn’t mean we can’t embrace simple or choose not to overcomplicate the basics so there is no judgement here.
So how do you know if you have that environment and assessment balance happening when it comes to the outdoor program and play?

Is This
Scroll down now to read the statements with me below and as you do, see if you find any that cause you to start nodding a little insanely... you someone just asked you if you would like a full hour’s break from the children to put your feet up and eat a leisurely lunch...
You’re an educator who...
Values outdoor play but sometimes finds it challenging to think of new ways to creatively use the same materials, equipment and outdoor spaces day after day.
You know you need to...
Do something more interesting with your current outdoor environment but lack the time and confidence in your skills.
You don’t understand how...
Embedding sustainability and showing children how to respect and care for the world around them can be FUN and easy to do - no green thumb, room for chickens or hefty budget for expensive natural materials required.
You’re waiting until you...
Have a smaller/larger/easier outdoor space or more storage space to start setting up a more engaging outdoor environment.
You’re working with...
Babies or toddlers at the moment and just not sure how to plan or offer meaningful outdoor play opportunities in between all the toilet training, nappy changes, different sleep times and you don’t venture outside as much as you’d like to.
You’re not sure how to...
Use the outdoor program as an extension of the indoor program and you find yourself writing 2 different programs.
You’re a leader or coordinator...
Who has tried everything to motivate other educators to plan for and extend learning opportunities during outdoor play...but there is always a different excuse’s too hot/too cold/too wet/too windy/too loud/kids are bored...
You’re waiting until you know...
More about how to find, store, incorporate loose parts and natural resources before you regularly include open ended materials and opportunities into your outdoor learning environment.
You’re just setting up...
The outdoor space with whatever you pull out of the shed each morning and don’t really know what action you could take or where you’d even start to increase engagement and extend learning.
You're not entirely sure how to...
Connect all the observations, analysis of learning, assessment, forward planning and learning outcomes to your outdoor environment and you don’t. Showing evidence of a planning cycle and extension of learning relies heavily on what you plan and observe indoors.
You’re already confidently...
Embracing outdoor play and the learning opportunities it provides for children and now want to make a few tweaks to include more nature based play spaces, risk, challenges and open ended experiences.
Most importantly, you want to know what to do first, how to do it cost effectively, how to make the most of what you already have and how to bring all the necessary elements together to ensure you offer not just outdoor play but an engaging outdoor learning environment that supports and informs your planning cycle.
Or choose to pay by 3 smaller instalments at the checkout
I Saw Those Head Nods...
...So first let me give you some good news and reassure you that no matter your role in early childhood, the How To Design, Setup & Program for Outdoor Spaces course will give you all the information, inspiration and tools you need to transform your current outdoor spaces into empowering and playful natural learning environments that also help you balance and meet all steps of the planning cycle.
The Thing is...
You WILL be able to take the next step and climb up out of that procrastination hole you find yourself digging into deeper whenever you even consider making a change to the outdoor program.
Because the difference with this course is I’m giving you the activity ideas, design tips, resource suggestions, action guides, step by step strategies AND page after page of visual inspiration from my own outdoor learning environment that will clearly show you how to make it achievable and modify for your own outdoor spaces.
So if you’re ready to join an exclusive group of early childhood educators, leaders and coordinators who now confidently balance their outdoor documentation and assessment with a well set up, engaging outdoor environment that provides consistent opportunities for children to learn, explore, socialise, lead their own play and challenge emerging skills.
Here’s how we’ll get you there:
How To Design, Setup & Plan for Outdoor Learning...
With Environments and Experiences That Consistently Promote Learning, Exploration, Independence, Spontaneity & A Connection To Environment.
The most comprehensive yet easy to follow, go at your own pace workshop video series that not only gives you the step by step strategies, handouts, tools and templates to simplify the outdoor planning process AND the set up of engaging outdoor learning spaces, it INSPIRES and SHOWS YOU HOW with real photos and visual examples.
Get Access To The New Course AI Assistant and Tutor 'Olive Outdoors' To Make Planning For Outdoor Learning Even Easier!
After watching the workshops in this series you'll know how to…
engage & extend learning
source & setup materials
make sustainability fun
meet sensory needs outside
connect planning cycle steps
empower & challenge
reflect & improve
You can take the REAL ideas and examples you see in the workshop videos and modify them for use in your own unique early years environment.
But Above All Else...
How To Design, Setup & Program for Outdoor Spaces will show you how to bring all of the workshop ideas, tools and your planning cycle together to create change, identify gaps, initiate improvements, give children a voice, remove barriers to engagement and support individual learning journeys.
Learn HOW to make outdoor play interesting again and create more natural learning spaces using low cost and recycled materials, simple ideas, action steps to kickstart progress, real examples, printables, workshop videos and colourful, visual e-guides.
If you can follow basic steps using everyday resources and practical strategies then you will easily be able to improve or extend upon your outdoor environment & planning with this series of workshops.
I’ve helped thousands of family daycare, outside school hours care, preschool and early learning centre educators, coordinators and leaders to simplify their outdoor program writing and confidently create change by setting up interesting outdoor spaces and providing playful activities that create active learning opportunities with the use of everyday materials.
But don’t just take it from me ...
Here’s what some of those Empowered Ed’s have to say:
Karen T
Visual learning combined with examples was the key for Karen...
"Jodie, you provided all participants with such relevant detail that went beyond the square. The blend of visual aids with the extremely informative detail provided much food for thought. Thank you. "

Diane G
Diane now knows that engaging doesn't have to mean expensive...
"Most helpful for me were the tips for using what I have at home around the house to save me money and ideas for different areas to create for the children."

Alia M
Alia now understands how to begin using loose parts & inviting open ended play...
"I've been asked to add more loose parts and natural elements to our outdoor yard and wasn't sure where to start, now I have lots of ideas I feel I can try pretty easily and even some thoughts on storage solutions which has been annoying all of us!"

Kerry V
Kerry is now ready to try something new when setting up her yard...
"I liked the way you presented this . All of the ideas, small and large. The different ways to set up the yard. This was my first online training session and I really enjoyed it."

Christine P
Pre School Teacher
Christine is now more confident embedding sustainable practice into her service...
"Reaffirming that I am on the right track in my preschool environment...learning that I am already doing things that help with sustainability (that it is not just chooks and compost)."

Emily O
Emily feels more confident connecting & collaborating with families...
"I liked how to keep it simple with ideas to include the parents, get children involved and how to show what we do and the help they give."

No quizzes, no deadlines, no difficult questions to decipher - just strategies and ideas you can begin taking action on at a time it suits you...
Ready to meet your outdoor play and planning mentor?
If we haven’t met while looking for our buried feet in a sandpit or climbing through a tunnel that is obviously too small for adults before...
Hi, I’m Jodie - an early childhood educator, mentor and blogger, always tired Aussie mum to 3 girls with a *mature & appropriate* crush on the boys from Supernatural.
When I’m not working you’d most likely find me sipping on a glass of crisp chilled white with a wedge of castello white cheese within reach and watching a tv show with some sort of vampire action... I used to want to BE Buffy way back in the day.
Too much information?
Ok. Let me tell you why you’d want to train with me instead.
I’m getting wrinkly.
Most of those wrinkles and frown lines were caused by children. True story (although I must admit having twins when nearly 40 with a teenager already at home and used to being an only child also caused more than their fair share).
Seriously though, I’ve been working with children and families in some way for over 35 years and that means a whole lot of lessons learnt, mistakes made and knowledge gained.
And now you get the benefit of that learning journey… and also the mistakes, did I mention the mistakes?
Yep, we all make them, but what I enjoy is helping educators to NOT make the same mistakes I have over the years.
I commit to this by supporting and mentoring thousands of educators every year through my popular website The Empowered Educator and practical blog posts, activity ideas, factsheets, free e-guides, online training, membership hub, e-courses, Facebook community, webinars and e-books.
I have worked in many different roles across the human services and early childhood professions over those past 35 years so it's likely I have already walked in similar shoes to your own. I know what is helpful (and definitely NOT helpful or useful) to educators because I am one too.
I’ll let you in on a little secret…
I’m not perfect, nor do I have everything always figured out.
In fact, around the time we were all bracing for an impending apocalypse and chaos at midnight because of a computer clock (google it if you have no idea what I’m talking about and get ready to laugh!) I actually decided to give up working in early childhood.
Perhaps you’ve had a similar thought at some time
I'd had enough and just couldn't do it anymore. I went back to uni again, got a degree in social work and human services and loved the career change. But I missed the children....missed setting up play experiences....missed feeling like I was making a difference in the early years of a child's life.
I learnt from that experience and found ways to reignite my enthusiasm for the job.
And now I’m sharing some of those with you. By offering this e-course I can now take you step by step through the basics of creating simple outdoor play spaces, equipment and budget friendly learning experiences.You will leave the course with plenty of actionable ideas to try and be inspired by photo examples, handouts, mini guides, printables and posters.
I hope to meet you soon. Bring a little Buffy or Spike Style Confidence with you.

Take the REAL ideas and examples you see in the workshops and modify them for use in your own unique early years environment....
If you are ready to embrace simple planning while also removing barriers to outdoor engagement then I look forward to welcoming you on the inside soon.
When you enrol right now you'll be getting...
Immediate access to everything inside the entire workshop series so you can start watching videos and feeling inspired TODAY if you want to.
Video, text, audio, visuals - consume the information in the way YOU learn best.
This way you can go at your own pace and have all the resources, action steps and motivation right there at your fingertips before you have to write that next program or set up the sandpit again.
How To Design, Setup & Plan for Outdoor Learning
You Get ALL of this:
The 18 quick view, easy to understand, on demand video workshop presentations. ($199 Value)
Templates, posters, printables, checklists, factsheets and the ENTIRE Empowered Educator simple series collection of outdoor play e-guides.($497 Value)
Email support & all your questions answered by Jodie ($397 Value)
Lifetime access to continue accessing all of the course videos and resources ($297 Value)
When you add it all up, that’s a total value of $1390
But because I am more excited to help you create change in your outdoor environment and program than a toddler who has just discovered an open jar of sudocream to use as hair gel, you can enrol in How To Design, Setup & Program for Outdoor Spaces for just…
(or 3 x monthly instalments of $99.00)
Enrol in How To Design, Setup & Plan for Outdoor Learning Today
You CAN take action that will help you to create the outdoor environment & experiences you really want to without needing a big budget.

What have educators being saying about Jodie's outdoor play workshops? Let's take a look....

Things you’d be smart to ask before grabbing your workshop series login details on the next page:
Not at all - this is an online 'virtual training' - so you can login and view each session online when it works for your busy schedule. You have a full 12 months to access all of the modules, action guides and other handouts (if you pay in full you have even longer with lifetime access!) Start the course and watch the videos when it works for you and the time you have available.
This is an online training course so you can attend from the comfort of your own home or workplace anywhere in the world as long as you have access to a computer or tablet device with an internet connection.
You certainly do. After you complete the 1 page checkout process, pop over to your inbox and you’ll see an official receipt (make sure to claim as professional development on your tax return!) and then another email that contains all of your course login details.
When you login you will land on your course homepage - a launchpad you can use to jump to any module and all of the handouts at any time. There is no waiting around for me to decide when you are ready for each new module...the power is in your hands.
If you choose to pay in full today you receive bonus lifetime access to all course materials!
That is plenty of time to run through the course 2-3 times if you wish to revisit, reflect and get things clear in your mind as you begin to put in place what you have learnt.
It certainly is. Sometimes it can be a little overwhelming to decipher and understand the barrage of information you are receiving while studying and doing assignments. It can also be difficult to grasp ideas and action steps without real examples from experienced educators. This course walks you step by step through simple processes, ideas and strategies to help you make the most of planning for outdoor play.
I've already been working in EC for years now - is this course suitable for me?
The short answer is YES! No matter how experienced you are - feeling frustrated, unmotivated, needing new ideas or just lacking in confidence to make the changes you have been told are required can happen at any time in our work cycle.
This course will help you clarify what to do first, how to do it cost effectively, how to make the most of what you already have and how to bring all the necessary elements together to ensure you offer not just outdoor play but an outdoor learning environment!
You will receive a certificate for 10 hours professional development completed in the area of outdoor play, learning & creating natural spaces.
Frankly I'd be hurt if you didn't reach out because I really enjoy connecting with educators participating in my courses! I'm not 'on call' 24/7 (I don't what anyone would call a social life but I do have a family who like to see me occasionally ), but I am here to help you over email or through voice and video messages.
I've even set up a special form on your course homepage so you can ask your question, give feedback or just seek a little reassurance you are on the right track. It's my goal to see you come away from this course feeling empowered and motivated to enjoy your outdoor environment and extend children's I'm not just going to leave you hanging.
But let's be clear....I'm also not your lecturer, coordinator or Mum...I'm not going to 'check up' on you or judge your progress. But I will do everything I can to help keep you moving forward toward your outdoor play goals. Sound fair?
Awesome! Why? Because I create all of my online courses with you in mind! I’ve kept the course pages as simple to navigate as possible – if you can click a big green button and hit save or tap play on a video then you are good to go!
And I’m not trying to be flippant with you - I know from talking regularly to my Empowered Ed Community that being asked to do something online can send a shiver down your spine because it’s SO out of your comfort zone and you don’t want to look silly or feel frustrated. But you are certainly not alone in that feeling and I totally get that!
That’s why I set up a special ‘help me’ section that has videos where I walk you through some simple yet common questions like how to download and save your certificate. There are even videos showing you how to unzip files or insert photos into your templates….nothing fancy, just me showing you step by step the process using my own screen as an example for you.
In the unlikely event, you find yourself still having difficulty with something, I’ll even record a personal step by step walkthrough video for you so your question is always answered (and never seen as silly).
Rather than saying ‘you should know how to do this’ I see ‘not being good with computers’ as just another way I can simplify your work and grow your skills - let’s face it…computers are not going anywhere soon…but I can help you to use them for your outdoor planning and professional development needs ;-)
Sure - there is absolutely no need to worry about feeling overwhelmed inside this course because I break everything down for you in my signature 'KEEP IT SIMPLE & ACHIEVABLE ' style... so you can actually USE the information I give you AND take ACTION in YOUR OWN environment!
You can choose to pay with 3 instalments of $99 and gain lifetime access to all videos and resources.
You can join us with a one time payment of $297
Access to 18 quick view, easy to understand video sessions so you can fit in training around work hours. View from home OR work anywhere in the world with an internet connection.
Mini E-books packed with photo inspiration and information
Certificate for 10 hours professional development
Factsheets with important tips & strategies.
Templates, posters, printables, checklists and examples to help you take action.
No quizzes, no deadlines, no difficult questions to decipher - just inspiration and achievable ideas you can begin taking action on at a time it suits you.
The choice to learn when you want, where you want & HOW you want - Consume the course content all at once or stretch it out slowly. Watch videos, listen to MP3 audio or read through the text video transcripts when not online.
If you are a visual learner with limited time for professional development, then you will appreciate the flexibility and practical resources this series of workshops & handouts provides...
Feel inspired to make changes, try new activities, plan and make your own easy DIY resources for outdoor play. See real examples & ideas from educators just like you.
Still “thinking about it” and not sure whether your clicker finger wants to take the next step yet?
That’s online workshop series isn’t the right learning option for every educator.
Truth be told, I’d prefer to help you figure out if How To Design, Setup & Program for Outdoor Spaces IS the right professional development option for you and the very best use of your professional development budget BEFORE you enrol rather than waste your time.
If you’ve read this far, then you owe it to yourself to honestly answer the questions below:
What if just one idea or example inside the course …
Helps you feel more confident writing a program that includes opportunities for open ended, intentional and incidental learning...consistently?
What if just one self reflection strategy inside the course …
Helps you to hear the child’s voice, recognise their preferences and use this information to set up your outdoor spaces and materials?
What if just one playful activity idea inside the course …
Helps you to embed sustainability and make it fun for children as they take on the role of active learners.
What if just one template or checklist inside the course …
Helps you reflect on your current environment and equipment and identify the changes and actions you need to take to ensure the outdoor environment promotes early learning everyday.
What if just one visual learning tool or video inside the course …
Helps you create an outdoor learning environment that becomes an extension of indoor learning...saving you valuable planning and program time.?
What if the only way to get a different result is to do things matter your role.
Here’s a sampling of the 812+ educators across a variety of early childhood roles that have previously participated in this workshop series...