Last night i found myself complaining yet again to his patient self that i just don't get any time to ‘get things done even though i am home all day now (and goodness some of those days seem long!). However, i'm trying to change my mindset and expectations about these things and step away from my old role of project manager on which i always had to have everything on my little list checked off before i felt i had achieved a good day's work and back into the role of mum and homemaker.
I may not be able to achieve a job in it's entirety on any given day and certainly not the list of jobs i have written down in my little book but perhaps i need to reflect on what i have actually achieved in my day and some little things add up to bigger things completed over a month.
I tend to disregard the jobs i do everyday, as well..i do them everyday. However, by 9am i have already made beds, cots, tidied the lounge and set up play areas, let the chooks out and tended their tractor, put on a load of nappies then clothes, fed the family breakfast and then cleaned up and washed up once.
So i guess when i begin to write down the daily household chores i can see that i do achieve much in a day just not the bigger projects in the entirety such as weeding and tending the vegie patch/gardens, sewing or baking as these have to be done when the girls have their middle of the day nap…and now i am blogging so less time there too. I guess it's about priortising each day and making a start on those bigger things…they will get finished eventually……and at this stage, time with the girls is more important.
So far today on top of usual chores i have manged to get some lovely egg custard made for the girls…don't you just love the colour of homemade custard with your own chook eggs compared to the colour of custard made with custard powder? We go through a lot of custard here at moment, the girls love it with stewed fruit mixed through. Am so glad i went through the old recipe books and found something so basic and simple. I'm not sure when i first went to using custard powder as i remember making it from scratch as a teenager…but will never buy custard powder again, this homemade one is so thick and creamy. This photo doesn't do it justice but trust me!
I will also finish off some pants i made for the girls…just need to thread through the elastic now and done. Unfortunately we are now coming into summer but hopefully they will manage some wear from them yet. It took me awhile to perfect a pattern that would fit their cloth nappy bottoms in but have it down pat now and they only take less than 30 mins to run up a couple of pants. I really love the material and so durable for outside play!
It's funny how you begin to not see things anymore in your own home isn't it? When i had a friend visit the other day she laughed at my ‘nappy wall' in the lounge and change area. I used to have lovely knick knacks on my shelves…now i have nappies! It just became easier with changing twins all the time to have an area set up in the lounge as i can't leave one unattended while changing the other in a room down the hall! One day i hope to reclaim my lounge but for now it's handy and works for us. I used cloth nappies with my now teenager, disposables were only just coming onto the market so i always knew i would be using cloth again for the girls but i must admit i do like my mcn's (as you can probably see in the photo). However, still revert back to the terry flats during this rainy weather as so much easier to dry. I get so many comments that i am made to use them with twins but i truly don't think it is that much more work although i do do a load of nappies everyday at moment! Best tip i have is to use a vinegar/water and lavender oil spray on the toilet where you hose off the soiled nappies…it helps the ‘bits' to not stick to the bowl…fabulous!!
Well, the bread is rising and it's time to think about getting tonight's dinner done before anyone wakes up. I wonder what you achieved today that you thought was insignificant but really wasn't?
I am really happy i was able to get out into the garden with the girls this morning and get some vegies picked to use for dinner tonight.
Thanks for stopping by…have a great day all x
Lovely basket of goodies. Early tomatoes and zucchini too!
Thanks linda…would have been strawberries too but i ate them too quick! I’m lovin the yellow zucchini, great growers but i fear the tomatoes might peter out as i can’t seem to get rid of the red/black spot all over them!Thanks for taking the time x
Welcome to blogging Jode! Thanks for stopping by my blog too. I love your nappy wall and I like your tip for the loo! I look forward to watching your blog grow.
Thanks Amanda…lovely suprise to have you stop by!