I have been trying really hard not to let meal times with the toddler twosome stress me as much as usual…i am trying to remember that all the ‘experts' tell us we need to offer a new food at least 10 times before it might not be rejected but enjoyed instead!
I am trying to remember that just like adults, toddlers have hungry and not so hungry days and their portion sizes should not be half an adult size but much less than that! I think expectations can be a parent's worst enemy when it comes to feeding fussy toddlers!
I am realising that some days they do enjoy the food i can count on them liking but other days for no reason whatsoever…they don't! Let it go has become my mantra….and the dog is growing alarmingly plumper!
They are still both at different developmental levels with their eating and this continues to pose some challenges…and yes stress when it comes to serving the toddler twosome a meal. However, i am getting better at incorporating what we are eating for dinner and still pushing through the mouli for Ruby (the biggest hole size now though…yay she is making progress with textures!), chopped up with a spoon for Tara as she grows more confident feeding herself and just a touch more bland than we are used to for the adults and Miss teen! Doing it this way is saving me from having to prepare 3 different meals each night though.
It doesn't work with every meal of course and i still long for the day when Ruby will pick up cubed pieces of meat, cheese or sandwich…..but i do believe that we are making progress!
One of the current favourites with everyone in the house is the old classic ‘Shepherd's Pie' . This is my version…i like to add lots of sneaky vegetables which the toddler twosome don't seem to mind at all!
Do you have your own variation on the classic shepherds pie or sausage roll recipes? I'd love to hear about them if you do!
Have a great day all !
Oh yum Jode both of these recipes sound delicious, I’d love them for my dinner too. I bought a book called Feeding Fussy Kids which has some great healthy recipes in it that I find the girls really love and appeal to little ones, maybe your library might have it if you need any more ideas for your little ones. I have given you an award on my blog too:) x
Yumo! They look so tasty. Shepherd’s Pie is one of Master D’s favourite meals I reckon. I don’t really have a recipe, I just throw in whatever veggies I have and flavour how I feel on the day ๐
When Master D was younger he was very little for his age, both height and weight (still is actually). It used to worry me when the family and child nurses used to comment on it (and comment they did!), but I found a great mantra to help me which was ~ it is my job to prepare and offer good food and it is Master D’s job to eat as much as he needs.
Hope you have a great week Jode
These both looks delicious! I so need to try the sausage dish!