Have to say we have not found our groove yet with this night shift work…here's hoping we find a better rhythm this week! Thanks for all your lovely comments, empathy and suggestions!!
The weekend was a slow one with the twins still sick and Mum and Dad worn out……but we did all manage to reconnect and the toddler twosome enjoyed having more time with Daddy! So hard to explain to them at this age the change in a routine that has been occurring for the whole of their short lives!! They really are out of sorts but i guess i am too, so need to allow the time for everyone to readjust….shame the patience is now wearing a tad thin between illness and no back up during the witching hour!
This weekend was all about reconnecting and getting jobs done that were neglected during the week!
Glad to hear you were able to reconnect over the weekend. It sounds like a very difficult schedule to work with. Mr Provincial has had some horrendously long shifts over the last 2 weeks (try 30 hours straight) with an exercise at work and it has really put our little family through the ringer – with Ginger constantly asking where’s daddy and me being totally fed up by dinner time and just wanting some help:). I do sympathise with yours being an ongoing problem.
Gosh i hear you! That where’s Daddy? question is the worst isn’t it? Tara keeps asking at night when she is going to bed…’daddy gone’ breaks my heart! But by then i am all out of energy to keep reassuring!!
I hope you are back to ‘normal’ soon and Ginger gets some Daddy time!xx
I’m glad to hear that you got to have some family time together, it helps to make you feel grounded again doesn’t it? I hope that this week is better for all of you and that you get a bit of rest time. We went to visit my Dad and Mum and Nan on the weekend which was really nice, it felt good seeing all of them. Take care Jode I’m sending well vibes your way this week. x
night schedule is so hard to figure out…especially with a family…good luck!
I got my spring seeds…ready to plant.
Hope everyone is feeling better at your house!
Sounds like a productive weekend! And I love the chooks ‘painting’!!
I also wanted to let you know that I have tagged you in a game of Blogger Tag. You can read more about it at http://happywhimsicalhearts.blogspot.com.au/2012/03/blogger-tag.html.
I look forward to learning more about you ๐
Warmly, Kelly