Would you believe the toddler twosome are already sick again? This time its a cold and cough so hopefully won't be around as long as the virus they just got over! I don't think our weather at the moment is helping matters as one day it is sweltering hot…the next it is back to cool!
So unfortunately no interesting photos from our weekend…..there was just a lot of trying to keep the girls happy, snot free and busy with some quiet indoor activities!
I decided to get out my old box of felt stories and games after a particularly trying morning with the girls….a new distraction was indeed called for!
I used to have fun making felt games and stories and selling them to child care centres…this was in the days before they made such wonderful felt resources as they do now!
I then sing either of these two songs….
Song 1
Five little fish
Swimming to and fro,
Ruby caught the yellow one
As it swam to slow…..
Obviously you insert your own child/children's names….if using this activity in a group i worked through most of the class by also making it a game to bring the colours back to the board so they had to recognise them twice and then we started again with a new round of names!
Song 2
Five Colourful Fish,
Swimming in the sea.
Tara caught the blue one (nominate a child here)
How lucky could she be!
Another very simple little rhyme and no particular tune…i just tend to do a sing song type tune with emphasis on the names and colours.
For younger toddlers with shorter attention spans you can start with just 3 fish and modify the songs. They really enjoy bringing them back and it is a simple lesson in turn taking and waiting too.
Another very similar game uses colourful birds…….
Five Little Birds
Sitting on a tree,
Away flew the blue one,
Now….how many do you see?
Continue with 4 little birds etc etc…
This rhyme is used for maths and colour recognition. Either the parent/teacher removes a bird or nominates a child to do it. We focused on the bird colours first to get the hang of the game and then I began to ask the girls to count the birds as we took one away.
They had lots of fun trying and often got the colour and math concepts right after a few turns!

Aren’t you clever. I’m glad you held onto the boards too. They are great, and lead to so many wonderful activities.
Love those birds- wish i had time to make some myself!
I love felt, it’s so versatile! I have never made my own felt stories, though. You’ve inspired me ๐
I love these Jode! So pretty, and great stories too!! Pinning xx
Fantastic Jode! The pics look great and your felt board with parrots and balloons looks fabulous. That pinnable image is just perfect…. and you can tell by the pins! ๐
Very cute! Looks like you are all doing well!!
Great post Jode! Shared on Triple T Mum FB page today and pinning ๐
Love all your beautiful felts you made for color recognition!! What a wonderful activity!
Thanks for linking up to TGIF! Have a great week,
Beth =-)