A busy mum's guide and journey to losing weight. Recipes, exercise tips, time management strategies and motivation…why not start your own journey today
As I sit here writing this blog New Year's Eve is upon us and 2014 is soon to be over. Although I feel I achieved a lot this year there is one thing that just keeps weighing me down (pun intended)…instead of losing weight through dieting and exercising as I promised myself to do, I actually put it on!
This has happened many times over the years and I think it's time to break that cycle. I recently posted about my weight woes on my facebook page and so many of my fabulous followers reminded me that I'm so much more than my physical appearance and that I'm not alone in this struggle, especially after we have children and pretty rapidly push ourselves down the priority list.
So this year I have decided to try something a little radical. I'm not going to try and stick to a diet. Yes you heard me, the ‘D' word will not be uttered in this house in 2015.
I'm embarking on a ‘Healthy Me Challenge' (see, I have a name and everything so I must be serious right?) and I'm not aiming for a number on the scales or to reach my ‘perfect weight'. What I do want is to be a better role model for my girls, to again feel in control of my body and what it can achieve, to lower my risk of developing weight related health conditions, to gain energy, buy a dress off the rack and not have it look like Great Aunty Tilda's and most of all to find some love and appreciation for my self and the person I have become. I want to respect myself again, if I don't how do I expect others to?
I don't want to aim for some magical ‘perfect number' on the scales nor do I want to set a timeframe. I just want to change my life a little at a time and feel like the me I used to know.
Are you feeling the same as we head into a new year? Why not join me each week as I share my progress, a favourite healthy recipe, easy exercises to fit in while looking after children and my emotional ups and downs (I'm sure there will be many!)
I'm ready to take the Healthy Me Challenge – are you coming?
I'm going to take your silence as a yes so first let's set some realistic small goals to get us going…none of that ‘I'm going to be a size 12 by this time next year' crap. Doesn't work and I've realised finally that's because the goal seems so big, so unattainable that I usually give up before I even get close.
I have over 50kgs to lose but I can't focus on that, it tends to make me quit before I even get started (apparently) . So this time I am starting with some small, achievable goals and working from there.
My Healthy Me Goals for 2015
- Make time to exercise at least 3 times a week – it might be for 15 minutes or it might be an hour but it needs to be something.
- Do one thing each week to nurture my mind or body – make this a routine
- Keep healthy bases for quick to prepare family meals in the freezer to cut the risk of ordering takeaway
- Don't just focus on the scales each week, take measurements and photos of progress too
- Blog progress each week to maintain accountability
My Healthy Me Goals for Week One
- Make enough dinner one night to freeze half for later in the week when my resolve to not to get takeaway because I am tired is lower!
- Do 3 circuits of a cardio/toning exercise routine when playing outside with the children – using the equipment around me
- Take measurements and photos – keep in a Healthy Me Challenge Diary (Notepad or folder)
- Shave my legs past the knee (yes I am serious – the real goal is that I can allow myself time in the shower for longer than 40 secs because someone ‘needs' me)
- Make a ‘snack shelf' in the fridge and add bags or containers of pre cut fruit and veg, healthy dips and other portion controlled snacks – ditch the processed or ‘lite' versions. Trust me you are just wasting your money and doing your body no favours.
So now I have my goals organised, why not have a try writing a few done for yourself ? Make sure your weekly goals are achievable and to the point though, we are only talking about one week!
Each week I will be sharing my progress, tips and tragedies under the following headings…
Goals for the Week
My Child friendly Exercise Circuit
(able to be completed with children and get them moving too)
Favourite Healthy Snack or Meal of the Week
(including photo and recipe)
Mantra for the Week Ahead
(To keep me and hopefully you motivated for the week – will include a printable for your fridge )
This Week's Biggest Challenge
(Did I overcome it? How? What would I do differently next time?)
Helpful Websites and Facebook pages
Weight Lost or Gained
Centrimetres Lost
What do you think? I'm hoping this will challenge will support and motivate not just me but you as well! I really feel support and some form of accountability is what I need on this weight loss journey. And that seems to be the key for me -I need to be challenged, to be motivated and to want this within myself and for myself, not because I think I should or others tell me to.
Being overweight can be incredibly soul destroying and isolating if you let it and to know there are others out there struggling and succeeding along with you can make a huge difference so let's support each other as we take those first brave steps into 2015.
Finding Your Support and Motivation
There are many weight loss support groups out there and you might already be following a specific program – this challenge is about what works for you, giving yourself permission to proceed at your own pace and incorporating tips, food and exercise that works around busy days as Parents and/or educators.
No matter if you have joined up to Lite n easy, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig or any of the other many many programs out there (of which I have done pretty much all if I am to be honest) I hope you can still receive some support and motivation from these weekly blogs and our very supportive facebook community. After all…sometimes it needs to just be about us and not the kids…and to say that is perfectly ok..I hope!
Personally I have just joined up for the 28 day challenge with a site I came across called Lose Baby Weight. Yes I know my ‘babies' are now nearly 5 but I really love their ethos of not focusing on hard core calorie counting, eating family friendly meals and wholefoods and the option of a fruit or vegetable smoothie if you are just to busy with the demands of work and children to prepare a meal and eat (I'm sure I'm not the only one who goes for the quick unhealthy option due to time). I love that they have a very supportive facebook group to hep motivate me and I also like the fact that they encourage not focusing on the scales but rather on measurements and how clothes are fitting.
No this isn't a paid ad and I truly have no idea whether this will work but what I do know is that for the first time in ages I am really excited about some of the changes I have been making the past few days and can't wait for the challenge to start on Monday the 5th January.
Exercising Epiphany
Exploring the lose baby weight program over the last few days has also helped me to realise that I haven't really gotten back into exercising since the twins were born because I thought I needed to find the time to do 1 hour tough workouts like I used to a few years ago.
Now I know time and children no longer need to be excuses. I can do 15 minutes on those really tough days and still be achieving something. I can up my incidental exercise while playing with the children each day and most importantly I can use the resources I already have to not only exercise a little each day but to also include my children and the daycare children into the fun of an outdoor exercise circuit. I know they will love it and I am excited thinking about ways to do it (which I will share with you each week with photos!).
I'm hoping once I start with a little exercise again here and there each day I will reignite that confidence and enjoyment that I used to get from exercising pre twins. The important thing for now is that I make some time to move more each day but not stress myself out with set time frames and ‘must do's'.
Let's get Started
- I'm using this weekend to get rid of the crap from our pantry and fridge that seems to have been sneaking back in and calls to me when blogging late at night.
- I'm going to bag up some snacks and store them in a basket in the fridge -especially cutting up some fruit and vegie sticks as that always seems like to much work when the kids are demanding my attention and I am hungry and wanting to snack!
- I'm going to write down my measurements and stick photos in my ‘challenge book' – I've taken the photos standing before the mirror in my daggy briefs and bra and trust me that was the most confronting thing I have done in a long time but it has spurred me on so don't be afraid to go there yourself. No one else is looking!
- I'm going to think about and write down the exercise circuits I will incorporate into my daycare program next week with the children.
What are you going to do this weekend? Are you ready to take my hand and jump in together?
Let's do this – The Healthy Me Challenge for 2015 has started – I can and will do this and so can you!
i am so excited for you ihave lost 7kg in lhe 3 months my goal now is to loose another 7kg and do ab excercises
Congrats on the fantastic loss Michelle!! I bet you are going to lose that next 7 before you know it xx
I look forward to joining you on this journey. I need and want to do something. Even went to the gym today but it was bloody closed..
Let the journey begin.. The journey of self discovery…
Welcome Lizanne! Can’t believe you went to the gym and it was closed…that’s just not right lol!! This certainly is going to be a journey but we are all to start and we will make this happen x
Hi. I am a family daycare educator and am very interested in joining the above lose weight program.
Hi Venece, great to have you joining in, keep an eye out each Friday for the Healthy me challenge blog posts and then we can share in the comments section. I’ll share how my week went, a recipe, some exercise tips, weigh in and we will set goals for the week ahead. i’ll also be setting challenges for you all on my facebook page each day too
I am with boots and all
I will be joining you on the journey to self discovery and will be reading along hoping to gain support and idea’s from your blog, I’m a FDC educator too and will be working 6am-5pm 4 days a week as of February. Its a busy job and I am determined to ensure my health and well-being becomes a priority too!! 60kgs to 100kgs in 5 years of family day care ๐ (although I have always struggled with my weight)
Right there with you Sammie! It always seems as though there just isn’t enough time to focus on ourselves. Hopefully I’m going to share some ways of incorporating exercise and other easy options into your normal day.Hopefully I will be able to offer you some support and motivation as I travel this road too…Let’s do it!! x
I just bought a pram with a skate board, come 6am monday I will be out there taking my 2 kiddies on a pre breakfast walk around the block!!
I’m also going to use this weekend to slow cook some chicken breast and lean meats to freeze so I can quickly add to salads, meals and wraps!!
Hope your off to a flying start!!
Sounds like you are off to a fantastic start Sammie! I prepared some food too as I know during the week it all falls apart so easily otherwise. Will be checking in on Friday ๐
I’m in! I live in USA so my numbers will be diffrent- I belong to weight watchers and need away to “re-start” This seems perfect!
Welcome Peggy! The numbers don’t matter, we shall work it out! I always seem to be re-starting lol so let’s make this the last time together. Keep an eye on the blog each Friday for healthy me challenge posts and I’ll be sharing on FB too!
I am a daycare provider care for 12 kids everyday. with the help of a great helper. However I take care of everyone except me. I just found out I have high blood pressure and I know is due to the bad eating habits and stress level of my job sometimes. I love what I do but this year I have decided to make many changes. One downsizing my business, to 2 to 3 kids and 2nd to take care of my body, mind and spurt. To top it off my elderly mother came to live with me permanently. She is bed ridden and requires my care. So I need a group to keep me accountable.
I already love your early childhood blog so I’m looking forward to getting healthy this year.
You sound very similar to me Zoe, work and everyone else come first and it is our health that is suffering. Sounds like a fantastic idea to downsize especially now you are looking after your Mum. i hope I can support you on your journey, let’s do it together!
Here we go!!!!
Whoohooo, we WILL do this Angela!
Just want to wish you lots of luck on your journey. No beating yourself up on the way!
– Rachel (“,)
Thanks lovely Rachelxx And yes, trying very hard not to be too hard on myself as that only leads to giving up usually!
Im in too. How do we join.
There’s nothing really to join Paula, I’m just going to do a healthy me challenge post each Friday to share my journey and hopefully provide some inspiration and ideas. If you want to join in with me each Friday for some accountability you can weigh in or share your goals/ week in the comments section. I’m not putting my weight up each week but I will put the kilos lost (hopefully) which you can do to if you want.
I’m also going to be setting some challenges on my facebook page throughout each week.
I have been on a roller coaster of ups and downs with my weight and I need to stabilise my weight and be happy with my body. Looking forward to your inspiration like we see on Facebook. Thanks for being innovative and the courage to share with us ๐
Thanks for joining in Trish, I’m going to try and provide as much inspiration as I can as that will hopefully keep me going to lol! Will be sharing a mini challenge on the FB page each morning for everyone to join in too. Let’s get off this damn rollercoaster for good!
I want to wish you every success! Small achievable steps eh! Not only are you intelligent, but your considerate, thoughtful, passionate and highly inspiring.
Thankyou so much Melissa…you just brightened my day! Yes, trying to focus on the small steps and not the big picture! x
i love all of your posts, I suffer a few medical conditions that I let hold me back in 2014. This year I want to become healthy and happy for my family. I agree not to focus on numbers or size.
Feeling encouraged
So glad you are feeling encouraged Nicole…let’s just focus on getting healthier and breathing a little easier when playing with the kids! make sure to check back in on Friday ๐
I love, love, love this’. I will follow and support u on this journey. U don’t know me at all but I feel like u have written exactly what I was thinking. Especially when u said, ur goal was to loose weight and u, instead, put it on. Good luck and I will check back daily. Please msg me back if u need motivation or to know u r not alone on this journey, I will give u my email address.
look forward to doing this together Julie! Let’s loose instead of putting on this year! I will be posting a challenge post each Friday on the blog and most days setting a mini challenge on my facebook page ๐
LOVE your challenge Jodie! I will definitely be following along and seeking inspiration from you ๐ I have various challenges with attending to my health, and love to read how others are addressing their own issues for ideas and motivation. Thank you!
Thanks Chelsea…hopefully I do provide some inspiration…at least it’s keeping me motivated! x
I lost just over 30 kg in the last 12 months and after years of trying I have worked out that I need to eat significantly less that I think I do. I now eat 6 times a day and each meal is eaten on a bread and butter plate. I also learnt from a dietitian that you should never eat and drink at the same time as the liquid washes the food through more quickly. I do not drink within 15 before eating or 45 minutes after eating. The other thing I have done is like you have healthy snacks handy. My favourite filling snacks are hummus and carrot and avocado on crackers or chicken drumsticks (just 1) . I have also increased the fat (yep lots more avos, cheese and meat) and protein I eat and reduced the
opps the last word missing should have been carbs
Some great tips Fiona, thanks for sharing, the water thing is very interesting! You have done so well losing all those kg’s – well done xx
Hi, I just found your blog and i’m so lucky I did! I just joined your healthy lifestyle, too ๐