I love finding inspiration and new ideas to repurpose wooden spools and cable reels into new equipment for play. They are a material that with a little creativity and thought can be turned into something that invites play, imagination, social interaction and more for just a few dollars!
Spools and reels come in many different sizes and can be cardboard, wooden or plastic. All can be turned into something completely different to their original purpose. They can be hard to find though (plastic ones are easier to nab than wooden by the way) and I am often asked how to source reels to upcycle. It really will depend on where you live and the recycling options available in your community but here are a few suggestions for you to try.
Where to find spools and cable reels for play.
- Local recycling and revolve centres (often based at local council dump and rubbish tips)
- Ask your local tradespeople if you could have the empty reels when finished with them. Plumbers, electricians and telephone contractors laying cables are a good place to start as are nearby building sites.
- Electrical supply stores
- Drive around the local industrial estate – often wooden reels are left on the kerb for pickup so they don't need to dispose of them (although some do return the larger ones to wholesalers to get back their deposit apparently – but you might get lucky!). You can also get an idea of what businesses use them if you see them piled up in the yards and can go back and ask for the empty reels when they open again.
- If you are brave enough you could stop at roadworks and ask if they have any you could pick up when available or head into your local council workshop and ask there. Make sure to explain to them what you want to use them for.
- Online marketplaces like Gumtree often have them listed in the free or giveaway sections.
Hopefully the suggestions above have given you a few ideas for starting a spool and reel hunt!
Now you have one what are you going to do with it? I've done the searching for you and collected a range of clever ideas for play spaces! Some simple, some a little more involved and perhaps requiring a little basic DIY skill but I'm sure you will find something in the collection below to get you inspired and wanting to upcycle, repurpose and create.
I have tried to add a source to all of the photos but some were just not able to be found unfortunately (Please do let me know if one is your image though!). There are some links to tutorials and blog posts for you to explore in more detail. Some of our clever Empowered Educator Community members have also kindly shared some of their work to help fellow educators with simple ideas to try when you do find that perfect reel!
Upcycling wooden spools and cable reels for play spaces.
Keep it simple and use them outdoors as tables for paint and craft, messy play and more. Or just use as is for loose parts building, balancing and climbing fun!
Source – The Empowered Educator
Sourced Via Pinterest
They make excellent craft and painting surfaces outdoors – especially useful if you don't have a lot of child sized tables. Source – The Empowered Educator.
Bubble wrap painting on the spools outdoors is always a favourite. See more about how we setup and played here.
Source – The Empowered Educator
Source – Stomping in the Mud – so many other wonderful open ended play ideas here too!
We love using them for easy to move tables with loose parts play all over the outdoor space! Source – The Empowered Educator
An outdoor science lab! Source – TP Craft
Projects not quite as simple but lots of fun!
Tic Tac Toe anyone? Source – Early Years Ideas from Tishylishy on Facebook.
Clever DIY seesaw from a wooden spool. Source – Hometalk
Use as a base for a slide and climbing challenge! Source – via Pinterest.
Turn the top of a spool into a huge outdoor swing perfect for hanging from a tree! Source – via Pinterest
Tinkering & Sensory fun! Source – via Pinterest
Perhaps use them to create unique garden spaces for the children to look after….
Source – via Pinterest
Source – via Pinterest
Source – DIY How To.
Source – via Pinterest
Need more seating or tables? Take a look at these creative and unique table and seat ideas using reels….
Source – via Pinterest
Source – via Pinterest
Who wouldn't want to sit outside reading here? Source – Mmofra
Easy DIY stool! Source – Empowered Ed Community member Tara Belinksky
Small cable reel toadstool tutorial for you to try over at Hatchlings & Hens
A little sanding and varnish and you have this simple but sweet seating area. Source – Samantha Thompson from Bush Babyz Family Day Care
Wonder what is behind the little red door? Source – via Pinterest
Source – Via Pinterest
Ready to try making your own? Veronica Delamere from our Empowered Ed Community shared her tips in the group recently for creating an even surfaced spool table. This solution covers both the issue of the middle hole (that toddlers love to post all sorts of things into and it's hard to get them back out!) and the bolts which can be quite raised on some spools making it hard to use as a level table and sometimes dangerous to little hands.
Step 1 – Cut out one square from wood with a hole cut out.
Step 2 – Cut out a large circle piece to fit over the top of the spool so you should now have one for the top and one for the bottom.
Step 3 – place the large circle on top of the square section with hole cut out.
This will stop the issue of bolts sticking up and the black hole that collects toys! Veronica suggests not fixing the circle in place so you can easily move the reel between indoors and outdoors.
Simple but makes such a handy little table size for children!
Invite children to create, imagine and role play with small worlds, engaging spaces and chalkboard tables!
The bottom is chalkboard so the children could add their own backgrounds and scenes if they wanted to!
Source – All Round Creative Junkie
Source – Les p'tits loups
Chalkboard table creativity! Source – Samantha Thompson from Bush Babyz Family Day Care
Same table set up two different ways to invite small world play! Source – Helen Garland from Sunflower Kids Family Day Care
A little road track tape, some artificial turf and you have a new resource to explore! Source – Empowered Ed Community member Melanie Hawkins
Source – via Pinterest
Love all the nooks and crannies to explore in this small world! Source – Rachel Campbell from Rach's Rascals Family Day Care.
Now that is a fairy house! Source via Pinterest
Love the addition of the branches! Source – via Pinterest.
Simple car play space – just add cars! Source – via Pinterest
Love this train table idea from Renata over at Renata's Family Day Care. Clever way to repurpose those old train tracks or ones with missing pieces too!
If you need a tutorial to help create your own chalkboard table Teach Me Mommy has the process covered step by step for you.
With a few additions to the reel you can make a clever little bookshelf with tabletop!
Source – via Pinterest
Bear Hunt anyone? Would love to see the children creating their own version of this favourite story using the props and space provided. Source – Empowered Ed Community Member Julie Callaghan
And in use as a book area….thanks for the inspiration Julie Callaghan!
DIY Inspired share a very simple tutorial to create this soft stool/bookshelf.
Or perhaps you could create something similar to our Music Spool – all you need is some tin cans from the recycle bin and a little rope! See how we made and played here.
Ready to go searching for some spools and reels of your own now? Keep it simple or create something a little more complex – it is your choice. That's the beauty of re-purposing and upcycling – you can turn things into what you want or need them to be for your own individual early learning service or home.
Make sure to stop by the Empowered Ed Community here and share a photo of your spool creations with us -we love new ideas and inspiration!
HI there I’m from an electric factory and we go through heaps of plastic reels small medium and large I’m finding it REALLY hard to fid someone whom can take them away! And not send them to landfill as is case now…PLEASE HELP!
Very impressed by the upcycle efforts and hard work of those doing favour for nature! Keep it up guys/girls!
Hi, I work in a primary school, in reception class, and I’d love to make a little outdoor table and chairs out of some cable reels. If anyone has any, please let me know. I’m based in Wigan in the north west. Thank you
I was advised to go to an electrical suppliers warehouse (often found on industrial estates) – they had loads that they were chucking away!
Hi jay whereabouts is your electric factory as I really need some for the nursery that I am currently working at. Your help would be much appreciated ☺️????☺️
Where are you located. We would love to create an outdoor education class at my school
I live in Newcastle u Lyme and have 3 nurseries in Stoke on Trent and one in Newcastle. Does anyone know where I get any size cable drums or anything else that can be used in loose parts play please?