I'm joining in with Rhonda at Down to Earth today for her ‘On my mind feature'….
This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. To take part, post a photo on your own blog, write a short caption explaining it, and link it back to here from your blog by saying you're part of “On my mind”.
On my mind today is sewing…or the lack therof. I really like sewing (basics!)especially little girls clothes….i would much rather have them wearing the clothes i make and looking like little girls than some of the items you can buy in shops now that seem to be for children years older; but alas i just don't seem to be getting the spare time i need to finish projects off at the moment!
I have some shorts and skirts half finished at the moment and the nappy cover pants shown in the photo above..all i have to do is sew the leg casings and add elastic to legs and waistbands and i am done….but so far they have been sitting like that for 2 weeks! I really do find it frustrating when i can't get little jobs like these done but i know it is more important to spend time with the girls and complete the household chores than worry about sewing that isn't finished! (It's still on my mind though!)
These are just made from scrap fabric and i thought they would be great teamed with a singlet in this hot weather (and also because little fingers have learnt how to undo nappies with velcro and snaps!!)if you are interested in pattern, here is the nappy covers link …so simple! I would modify to make them bigger in the seat next time though as this pattern is for a disposable nappy cover and hence smaller so keep that in mind if you have a go.
I also loved this idea onesie to dress link and am now working on converting some onesies that i loved but didn't get much wear into a dress and nappy cover pants. I've only started one so far…just need to make up a little skirt and then sew to the top and add waistband elastic to the pants. I really liked the idea of being able to reuse some clothes that weren't worn much in the first outing!
The internet really is a great tool for gaining new ideas…now i just need to make the time to put them into action….and get a quieter sewing machine so i could sew when the girls nap!Maybe this weekend i will get them finished finally….gosh i hope they fit!
Enjoy your Friday…what's on your mind today?
Jode x
I like seeing your sewing projects, Jode, and I am so impressed that you are sewing such cute little items for your children! I can relate to the “lack of spare time” that you are experiencing. My current crochet project is moving along very slowly!
Have a lovely weekend.
Thanks Julie…i only take on the easy projects at the moment but still need to find the time to complete them…i love seeing them walk around in something i have made!
I have a crochet blanket that has been going for years so know what you mean!
You have a great weekend too!
Oh, wow, the onsie-turne-dress idea is brilliant! I’m still trying to learn how to sew, but maybe I can manage that, too! If, as you say, I can find the time. Thanks for the ideas and links.
I’ve got sewing on my mind too! I love turning old clothes into new ones for my kids. I turned a men’s dress shirt into a dress for my daughter once. Super easy to do!
men’s shirt into a dress
This must be a day for thinking of, or actually getting some sewing done!
I love what you’re doing and the onsies/dresses are so cute. ๐
visiting from Down To Earth
Thanks for dropping by ladies…..
Jaime…trust me…if i can do it you can…will post photo if i ever get it done!
Jenny….your shirt dress looks great…alas i am no good at making up patterns, lol!
Denise….i am still thinking about it and instead sitting on the computer, hehe…hope you are getting more done than me!
If you happen to read this Denise…sorry i tried to comment on your blog (i enjoyed reading it!) but none of the profiles would work for me…i have this problem with a few blogs….anyone know how i get around it?