Jaime from NGO Family Farm was recently kind enough to pass on this award to me which was a lovely suprise (i'm just happy there is anybody out there reading…let alone enjoying what i write!) Thank you so much to Jaime…please stop by her blog, it is such a good read about family and farm life and all things in between!
It's my turn now to pass on the award and share some blog love and respect to others!
The word liebster comes from the German words for love, friend, or dearest, and the goal of this award is to spotlight up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers.
This is how it works:
1. Copy and paste the award on your blog
2. Thank the giver by linking back to them
3. Reveal your 5 picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog
4. Hope that your followers will spread the love to other bloggers
I haven't been in the blogging world for very long and am still discovering new blogs each day so i needed to have a good think about this….but here are my 5 picks…these blogs inspire me in family values, simple and frugal living, having fun with young children and all in all the fun and hiccups of family life….i hope you take the time to visit and enjoy! Thanks again Jaime!
1. Mooberry Farm
2. Learning 4 Kids
3. Bowerbird Blue
4.Early play Australia
5.Toys in the Dryer
I think i am still experimenting really with what the main content of this blog is generally about….we do try to live a simpler and more frugal life now for many reasons….but the main one is so that i can spend time at home with my young twins rather than having to head to work. We have to miss out on many of the ‘things' we used to take for granted (which has taken some getting used to for the teen i admit!) but it is worth it to be able to have the opportunity to be a stay at home Mum for a little while longer….i didn't get to do that the first time around as a parent. I am so very appreciative to my partner that he works hard to ensure i can do this….i really must tell him that more i think!
Before i went back to study and moved across to the community services field i was a childcare teacher so providing fun learning activities for the girls is a focus for me as well, which is why you will often see those photos!
I also love to sew (basics!), bake, garden and organise so those aspects feature in the blog too. Above all i want this blog to become a record of our family life….so those of you have have stopped by and also come back…thank you for joining me on the journey !
I took a wander through the vegie patch and garden yesterday and i must admit to becoming rather disheartened at the moment. No sooner do i plant things then they seem to be eaten….i don't think it is the wallabies anymore….i think something smaller that seems to love strawberries and beans (3 different crops of beans have disappeared in the last few days!) Short of fencing the entire patch and netting which we don't have the funds for at the moment i'm not sure what else to do! I really enjoy growing our own vegies and fruit but it is getting very frustrating….there are still lots of lovely things in the garden though so that's what i shall focus on and share with you……
Enjoy your day……Jode x
Even with your troubles in the garden, your veggie patch looks so green and beautiful! I love the corn and sunflowers! I’m not sure this would help, but over here when plants start sprouting, I spray them down with a “garlic tea” mixture to help keep pests away. Have you tried anything like that?
Jode, congratulations on this award. Your blog is lovely, and I enjoy your sewing pictures and your adventures with your twins. What a blessing. Keep up the good “work.” :o)
PS: I love the sunflower picture!