This week we finally saw a bit of winter sunshine so there was lots of fun outside! We enjoyed some walks together…how cute are the toddler twosome walking with their hands the same way…sometimes i truly marvel at the twin bond…it shows itself in the most wonderful ways!
There was a little fun at the local park…a visit is becoming a little easier for Mum and Dad now that we can master most of the equipment…at least Mummy is able to have less heart palpitations!
Would you have picked this as a kangaroo?…Tara certainly did…not sure how when she has only ever seen the real thing outside the back gate…looking nothing like this!
Ruby is showing so much more confidence going down slides now…it is nice to see her attempting more things on her own….
There was a little work done in the garden…picking some lovely flowers for the kitchen table…loving all the yellows we have in the garden at the moment…like little splashes of winter sun!
We celebrated some successes with the mini cabbages standing up to the moth and caterpillar attacks … far!
And the cauliflower are coming along nicely…a little slower than last year…perhaps all the rain we have had?
I have huge bunches of lovely healthy tatsoi and i am a little clueless really on the best way to use it…so far it has just been in salads and steamed for dinner! What do you cook with tatsoi?
Unfortunately i also had to admit defeat on a few crops…..i think spider mites are back wreaking their havoc again and have decimated the tomatoes and beans….i have been using a soap spray on them which did seem to be working for awhile….but no longer!
Whatever they are they kill the plant fairly quickly leaving black/grey spots and then the leaves shrivel and die…..if anyone has any suggestions as to what might be attacking and how to get rid of them i would be most appreciative!!
I had some helpers in the garden this week..the toddler twosome had fun trying out their new watering cans!
A little help with the hosing…….
and testing of Mummy's boots as they looked so much better! Ruby has a thing for shoes at the moment…i had fun collecting a few pairs from the op shop and she has been playing with them all week…I highly recommend it if you want to keep your own shoes around a toddler!
The blossoms are appearing on the stone fruit trees….i just love the colour of them….and the girls love to pick them!I feel a craft activity coming on!
We also managed some painting outside on a cold and windy day…unfortunately the activity i had planned just kept blowing away so we abandoned it and got out the paint pots and brushes. I had to weight the paper down with something to stop it blowing away so used our pallet blocks….
which turned into and even better activity! The girls both loved painting the holes in the blocks and this kept them busy for ages…Tara then found some foam pieces in the paint tray and decided to stick them on to just to add that little ‘something'!
Busy, busy girls….i got to sit in the warm sun and watch the concentration and fun on those little faces…i felt very blessed….well until Ruby painted my behind as i did some weeding….bless the cherub!
And i have just realised looking at these photos how often they wore these jumpers this week…can you tell that's all they would let me put on and i kept giving in?
And then there was this moment….Miss Teen got her learners licence and i finally worked up the courage to take her out for her first lesson…hmmm, shall post about that when my Mummy trauma dies down a little…how the heck do they get so old when you just blink for a moment?
Why can't they just stay happy with a wander in a grassy field? Time marches on i know…i just have to figure out how to embrace that rather than fear it!!!
I hope you had a lovely week…we are keeping our fingers crossed for more sunshine ahead!
Warm Wishes….
Beautiful reflections on your week Jode. And wow, Miss Teen getting her L’s!! Exciting times ๐ Your garden is looking lovely, and how nice to have blossom already! Our trees are budding but still awhile off for the blossom itself. And Your first pic of your girls is one of those sweet momements to capture xx
Would you believe i actually saw fruit beginning to grow today Kellie? Now just have to chase the birds off so they can keep growing!I do love that first pic…was such a lovely moment…and so glad i had the camera!
What a lovely round-up of your week Jode. We’ve been making the most of the sunshine here too as rain is due this week. I’m very envious of your cauliflowers and other lovely home-grown vegetables. Not sure about the tatsoi… I would have said in a stir-fry. I’m a bit the same with our pakchoi needing some inspiration on how to use it. Very exciting that your big girl has her learner’s permit although as you say, a tad scary that she’s growing so fast too. Enjoy your start to the week x
I’m the same with pak choi too Amanda…it grows so quickly i feel i should be doing more with it lol!Glad you have been seeing some sunshine too!
I’m enjoying your week round ups Jode. It sounds like a really positive week for all of you and the sunshine helps with motivation a lot I think, I don’t get much done in the cold weather. Your cauliflower looks great Jode, I’ve never tried growing it before but I’m having a bit of success with the broccoli at the moment, it feels great to see all of your hard work pay off. Wow your daughter has certainly grown to now have her L plates, scary scary stuff. I’ve just got 3 years to go and then I’ll be there!!! Have a wonderful week Jode. xx
Oh my…3 yrs isn’t long Catherine!!! I find silverbeet, cauliflower and broccoli the easiest crops to grow actually…always seem to get pretty good yields luckily…it is good to see the hard work pay off isn’t it?
Adore the hands behind their backs shot, and your beautiful proud grown up teenager – letting go – that’s a big life lesson – I’m yet to learn it.
Thanks Kirsty…i am still learning too…going to be a tough one i think!!
Oh I am envious of your sunshine and gardening… it is sooooo wet and muddy here… and kinda freezing. I need to move somewhere warmer!
And oh my L plates… I do not even want to contemplate how I would embrace that big step in my kid’s lives. I hope you blog about it, because I’m going to need years of lessons to be able to find my zen on that one!
If it makes you feel any better Kate our mud and driveway have only just dried out after the last few weeks of rain here lol! Sun has been a rare commodity this winter!
I shall indeed blog about it…still trying to work up the courage for lesson number 2!!
What a happy happy post! love it! ๐