The last few weeks i have felt the stress and anxiety building, the lists have taken on a life of their own and every spare moment i seem to be thinking about what i ‘NEED' to be doing next.
Christmas is coming….
I'm not sure when i started seeing Christmas as a stressful event rather than that of an opportunity to be thankful and enjoy some family summer fun, but it has indeed reached that point.
I sat down on Friday with yet another list to work through and suddenly remembered the promise i made to myself last year. I would change my thinking and approach to Christmas…i would change the way we give presents, the way we celebrate and most of all the priorities. I wouldn't let it become a stressful and often unhappy event (due to tired and stressed parents!)
I remembered the changes i had wanted to make for this year and although it seems to have crept up so quickly i figured it wasn't too late to embrace a little simplicity. It's the first year the toddler twosome will really understand and experience the joy of Christmas so i want to start on the right foot.
Instead of putting pressure on myself to have the tree and every decoration we own on perfect display and getting annoyed everytime a little hand ‘rearranges', i gave myself permission this weekend to just do ‘ a little'.
So Miss Teen had lots of fun putting up the tree and decorating it the way she wanted to with just a few ornaments (therefore not as many for toddler hands to pull off)….i am yet to get the tinsel hung and ornaments for the house put up….and it might not happen….but i'm giving myself permission for that to be ok….at the moment there are so many other things to focus on first. Just because we hit the 1st December doesn't mean i need to feel a failure at the Christmas mummy thing!!I often wonder if i am the only one that can dread pulling out all those boxes…knowing i will be the one to pack them all away again in only a month or so….i know…where's my Christmas spirit right?
The spirit is still there i promise….i'm just trying to simplify a little so we can enjoy this season and i don't become the grumpy Grinch i did last year. For some reason the depression that has been conquered in many ways…can find a way to rear it's ugly head in me at this time of year. I'm trying to be aware of that and if it means the house isn't Christmas perfect and friends and family get simple homemade gifts for presents this year….then i am ok with that. They will just have to be too!
So this weekend…instead of getting stressed about all those things on Mummy's to do list i relaxed a little and fitted in what i could….and there were some lovely little moments that didn't feature on any list i had written but were cherished all the same….
There were bananas to pull down before the fruit bats finished feasting on them and left us none! They were hung underneath the house to ripen a little more (hopefully!) The few ripe ones we did get to eat were so sweet!
There were bananas to pull down before the fruit bats finished feasting on them and left us none! They were hung underneath the house to ripen a little more (hopefully!) The few ripe ones we did get to eat were so sweet!
Tara has been watching these grow for ages so she was pleased and in awe of Daddy chopping them down and how big they had become!
There was a little mulching in the garden and appreciation of new blooms heralding the first day of Summer here in Australia….
There was excitement picking the small tomatoes which have been grown just for the toddler twosome to enjoy picking…there were even a few tastes! They were so excited to pick tomatoes and vegies in the garden and wandered around all morning with their baskets!
Did i mention it was hot? So, so hot…..
There was a little family fun making Christmas cards….the toddler twosome love to join in crafting with big sis and i love that she still enjoys glueing and creating at 16. I really did enjoy watching the three of them and joining in too!
Sticking to the simplicity theme i decided to do away with the fancy ideas i had planned and we simply went with fun!
A little gold cardboard, some shapes i cut out of red and green paper and some sparkly bits and pieces……
A little gold cardboard, some shapes i cut out of red and green paper and some sparkly bits and pieces……
Add some cell mix paste with some green and red glitter and you have one easy activity…I like to leave card flat for younger toddlers to decorate and then fold after it dries. The girls really enjoyed making their creations and there were so many opportunities for fine motor practice picking up the glittery bits and sticking them on as well as big and small pompoms and Christmas shape cutouts.
There weren't any stencils or expectations of perfection…it was all about what they wanted to create…..and i think they turned out beautifully!
There weren't any stencils or expectations of perfection…it was all about what they wanted to create…..and i think they turned out beautifully!
Miss Teen was very proud of her efforts and i thought they looked lovely….i think friends and family will love receiving these special gifts of love!
And a little work done on our feltboard Christmas present for the girls.. a post with tutorial and pics coming soon….so simple but i am so pleased with how well it is coming together!
And the extra wide wooden dollhouse (just right for twins to play with side by side!) is also coming along nicely…we are so lucky that His patient self is so handy with a hammer!
I really do hope the toddler twosome like their handmade Christmas gifts this year!

As we had to take refuge inside from the heat i decided we could do a little Christmas cookie making…recipe to follow later in the week for my special shortbread biscuits….i have made these every year to add a little touch of love to presents!
There was a little fun with some Christmas coloured playdough, buttons, milk bottle lids,eyes and plastic knives. We used our Magic Marble Playdough. The girls love this activity…they roll and flatten the dough, then go nuts pressing as many things into the dough as they can to make their special creations! I added a little glitter for some Christmas cheer and really just let them create in the way that they wanted to!
Perfect for some easy indoor toddler fun! I do find eyes everywhere for a few days after we do this activity though..can give you a little start when you see eyes looking at you from the floor and you forget where they came from…just a little warning!
Perfect for some easy indoor toddler fun! I do find eyes everywhere for a few days after we do this activity though..can give you a little start when you see eyes looking at you from the floor and you forget where they came from…just a little warning!
So all in all it was a hot weekend full of lots of productive fun…minus the stress…and that's how i am going to try and keep it until we hit Christmas Day…wish me luck!
Do you find yourself getting stressed in the lead up to Christmas with lots of ‘To Do' lists or do you find it a time to relax and enjoy?
I'd love to hear how you organise the family for Christmas!
Hope your week is a good one…thanks so much for stopping by x
Ahh yes I have been trying hard not to feel stressed but there are moments when it creeps up on you and I start to worry that I might not get everything done. Yesterday I spent ages on the computer (not fun on the weekend) doing shopping. I find it so much easier in some ways to do it that way rather than walking around busy shopping centres. I love the way you are embracing simplicity and just enjoying the season, I’ll remember that next time I get overwhelmed because it should be a fun time. Enjoy your Tuesday Jode. xx
I’m applying the KIS (Keep It Simple) principle this year too. Reallly if you think about it it is only ourselves who aim to do all this extra stuff at this time of year. If we whittle it down to the basics, a few decorations, a few presents and some good food and company, it will still feel like Christmas, and maybe, just maybe it will be even better.
Oh Jode, I am really loving your simple approach to the festive season and find that I enjoy this short season so much more when I am not rushing through it stressed to the max.
I think that doll house is going to go down a treat.
i have been relaxed about christmas this year. We are going away for christmas day, the first time for a while, so I haven’t been fussed about the decorations around the house, or things to be done for christmas day. The stress will come when I leave the packing til the last minute! Loved seeing whats been going on at your place ๐
Hi Jode,
I’m new to your blog, but I’ve been enjoying it. I’ve got 3 little ones, and my only girl has a birthday in early December. So we’ve decided not to even start Christmas stuff until after her birthday–which actually eases the stress a little for me, that it doesn’t have to all start up right after Thanksgiving. We generally try to keep things pretty simple.
This is my second year doing an Advent calendar, but there are many activities on it that are zero stress–for example, blow bubbles in the bathtub, call Grandmas and sing them a Christmas song, make hot chocolate and read some Christmas books, etc. I have also given myself permission to substitute any activity for a piece of leftover Halloween candy if I don’t want to deal with it or it’s not going to work for that day.
As for the rest–if I start to feel stressed over a certain part of Christmas, I try to back off and re-evaluate. It’s not worth it to me to have something be “perfect” or done a certain way if I’m going to end up yelling at my kids all day instead of making happy memories.
I really like seeing all your ideas.
well it thats taking it easy i’d hate to see what busy looks like! Loved the post – I’m featuring this on the Sunday Parenting Party this Sunday – you can grab an dI was featured button from my button page if you’d like
silly me – you’ve already got one. Well I’m still featuring it!
This is beautiful Jode. We are so on the same page with wanting to keep it simple this year. I’m also giving handmade pressies this year and feel the same way – people are just going to have to be ok with that!