Welcome to 2013! It's been quite awhile since my last post…mainly due to the fact that i lost my internet connection for over a week ! But also because i wanted to take a little bloggy break and get a few unfinished jobs completed around the house.
I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas and New Year celebrations…i am still having trouble writing the year down as 2013 i must admit…feels so futuristic!!
I am looking forward to sharing more family mayhem moments with you this year. There will be some toddler craft and food, more ideas for supporting a child with sensory processing disorder, outdoor fun and landscaping creations and a new fortnightly post on getting healthy (emotionally and physically) and losing weight….I'll be sharing my ups and downs as well as throwing in a few slimming recipes and helpful links for those that might want to follow along on their own weight loss journey!
I'll also be co-hosting the Weekly Kid's Co-Op again this year and my first post will be this Thursday. Make sure to stop by for lots of family friendly fun ideas and to link up one or two of your own favourites. Each week i put together a feature of my favourites which is proving very popular on Pinterest!
Welcome to those new friends who have begun following Mummy Musings and Mayhem and to those who were reading throughout 2012…thank you so much for your time and lovely comments. I love sharing our simple activities and family life with you and enjoy reading about how you incorporate the play, food and sometimes parenting strategies into your own life after finding some inspiration here.
Of course i can't have a post without pics so here are a few of my favourites from our Christmas Day…I do hope you had a good one!
Twas the night before Christmas…..and quite a while since i have had the joy of sneaking out stockings and presents to put under the tree!
The toddler twosome loved their Daddy made Dollhouse and plenty of space for them both to play in their own way!
It still needs some finishing touches like carpets and wallpaper but i ran out of time and the girls don't seem to mind…it's on the list of jobs to do still!!
Another favourite was this little train and car set i picked up from the markets for $10!!!
The hobby horses were very popular too….
And there's nothing like a swing on your very own kid size garden swing….thanks Gran!
There might have been a new fairy dress too….
Then into the back of the trailer to play in the sand while Mum, Dad and Miss Teen shovelled it out to make a level patch for our new family pool!
Luckily it was hot and humid so they were in straight away and having a ball!
Sister love…
Would you believe the only pic i got of our Christmas lunch? I was just so busy getting everything organised and keeping the toddler twosome entertained that there was no time for the camera! I envy all those lovely pics on blogs of the Christmas table and food!! It was just the 5 of us this year so it was a simple celebration but it was so sweet to see the girls really embrace the day for the first time.
They even loved the traditional hats and little toys out of the cracker…took me right back to my own childhood!
Tara not quite understanding why Mummy locked her out of the kitchen after a while…..how rude!
We then took the girls for their first ever visit to see the Christmas lights…we were all tired but it was worth it to see the wonder on their faces as we wandered down the street!
Now if i could just get them to look at the camera at the same time!!!
I thought these snowmen were amazing…they were made out of plastic cups!
Miss Teen's favourite….and a request for us to add to our own collection next year!!
This is not a good photo but it is a tree made out of pine cones…very clever!
Apparently the life size singing Santa was a little too much to bear!!
Clapping to make the bear dance was fun though!
One of the houses in the street we visit each year!
It was a great day and night and i can't believe how these girls are getting older before my very eyes…who knows what adventures and surprises 2013 holds for us all? (This is yet another attempt to get a nice pic of them together and not covered in paint…)
I wish everyone a very happy and healthy 2013…thanks for joining me on this journey of ours!
If this is your first visit to Mummy Musings and Mayhem and you like what you see you can follow us on Facebook and Pinterest for more inspiration, fun and mayhem!
What an awesome dollshouse!!! and great find with the trainset too:)
btw I believe I read in one of your posts that you are in L? we are only down the road at Gr…..
Thanks Erin…i was really pleased with the trainset find…it’s been homemade too by the look of it. Yes we do live in L…and my it’s hot and windy here today…bet you are even hotter though! Small world isn’t it?
Happy new year, Jode!
thanks Jaime…a very happy new year to you and the family as well x
Welcome back and a very happy new year to you and your family:) It looks like you had lots of fun on Christmas day together and boy do your girls look so much older and very cute in their Christmas clothes. May 2013 bring lots of wonderful things for all of you and I look forward to following along again this year and enjoy your family’s journey. xx
Happy New Year and welcome back.
Looks like an amazing Christmas.
Loving the dolls house and train/car table the most.
Thanks…it was a nice but simple day and i think the girls will have good memories of it! The doll house is still a winner here, so glad we went ahead with it x
Merry Xmas and a happy new Year. We’re mad about lights here too. Especially the home made variety, very classy snow man.
Thanks Kirsty…Happy new year to you too! Lights just add that something special to Christmas don’t they?
I couldn’t go through the AKBN thread without visiting your blog and I am so glad I did because it looks like you had the most beautiful and memorable christmas. Your girls are so adorable in their christmas outfits and way to go Dad…..that dolls house is awesome!! Can I put my order in for one? Haha!
Happy New Year Jodes, I hope it is filled with so many wonderful things!
OK I LOVE the stockings and LOVE the dollhouse! So many rooms. We have one dollhouse, but have since added a smaller Barbie townhouse and now an entire 3-shelf bookshelf for all the furniture! Looks like you had a great Christmas – such a fun age for your little ones. Hope your new year is off to a good start!