Joining in with Rhonda at DTE today for ‘on my mind’…… Today on my mind is ………wet nappies and getting them dry in this wet weather…this is only 1 load….twins go through quite a few nappies each day and i do find it hard to get them dry in wet weather without using the dryer which i try not to do….
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Make your own Goop!
I love making our own sensory materials for play and Goop is a recipe I have been making for over 20 years now! It’s such a budget friendly and fun experience for all ages from babies through to preschoolers… Goop play is a great activity for younger children as it does make a mess but actually dries and…
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Eggs and more eggs!
It seems to be harder and harder to find some time to get on here to do a post….if only i had a laptop i think it would be much easier to grab some snatches of time…ah well!! When the girls and i collected the eggs yesterday we found this overachiever! It was indeed a double yolker and all i…
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On my mind…..Growing Older!
I am joining in with Rhonda’s On My Mind feature today. I was taking some photos earlier and suddenly it occured to me just how much my 3 girl’s are growing up! Yesterday they enjoyed some craft together (which will be another post) and today was the first day they sat at their little table together and shared some afternoon tea!…
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Weekend beginnings….
Our weekend was busy and upon reflection filled with many new beginnings and firsts….. My ‘big’ girl began her first casual shifts with Woolworths and will now experience the satisfaction of earning , saving and spending her own money. Hopefully i have been able to instill some frugal skills and i’m sure after the initial excitement and novelty wears off…
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Spaghetti….not just for eating!
It’s been a tough week this week and not much time for blogging or visiting blogs unfortunately but hopefully next week will run smoother… life doesn’t follow a plan does it? Today i am joining Rhonda with her Friday ‘on my mind’ feature. Although this photo was taken at the beginning of the week it is on my mind today…
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