It's Kid's Co-Op time again! We are remembering our ANZAC'S today and we were up before dawn to attend our local memorial service so I must admit I haven't had a chance to write a feature up this week!
Miss Teen sang in the choir which was absolutely beautiful and it truly was very stirring to look around and see people of all ages huddling in the cool early morning air to pay respects to those diggers that made the ultimate sacrifice for us so that we may enjoy this wonderful country today.
I was standing behind a lovely older couple and found myself wondering about their life and what effect war had had on them. I was watching the emotion play across the older man's face when suddenly I saw him begin to sway and he reached out to steady himself on the shoulders of his wife. I helped to support him from behind but then his legs gave way, his eyes rolled back and I was holding him on the cold, dewy grass as the choir sang Advance Australia Fair. It was an awful moment, I felt so helpless although I have many first aid courses behind me. All we could do was basic first aid until the ambulance arrived.
I am happy to say he was able to sit up and speak with us before the service ended although I fear he was a little too stubborn and perhaps a little embarrassed as he kept assuring us he was fine and would now like to drive home for breakfast. I stayed to keep his wife company…this lady I had only met 20 minutes ago touched me with the worry and love in her eyes each time she glanced at her husband sitting huddled under the space blanket. They had had a lifetime together obviously but she was not ready to let go yet.
They have been on my mind the rest of today….we truly do never know what life holds for us and must try to make the most of the moments and the love we are given.
I know this post doesn't tie in with the Kid's Co-Op and children's activities but I felt I needed to share something with you on this very important day. And really….ANZAC Day is just as much about the children as the older diggers…they fought and made sacrifices so that our children are able to laugh and grow up with freedom today. My wish and hope is that one day all nations and races will be able to experience this together rather than always embracing a reason to fight one another.
I was so proud of the young Aussies as I watched my daughter sing proudly in the school choir, as I watched small children grasping glow sticks and singing our national anthem, as I watched young service people represent with such formality and grace.
There is hope for our youth of today….and I thank the spirit of the ANZAC'S and those currently engaged in war on many different shores for letting us share that hope.
Now I think it is time to lighten the mood and share some activities and inspiration with you. Let's have some fun….
My son made Anzac biscuits and learnt about it at cubs tonight
Thanks for hosting
Such hard lives for those poor old diggers, to live through war and then live on with the memory of it. How painful the memories must be. Such privileged lives we lead, that we can only imagine the reality of war.
Okay so I’m curious – what does ANZAC stand for? Sounds like it’s similar to our Veterans Day or Memorial Day we have here in the states.