Welcome to number 5 in my series on Family Day Care Educators and the important work that they do with children!
I’m passionate about home based childcare options – in Australia we call this sector Family Day Care and I’m currently highlighting some of the wonderful work that professional family day care educators do all around Australia. We’ll take a peek into their childcare environments, talk about why they love what they do and even share a few of the unique challenges that only this role offers.
New to this series? Catch up on previous posts by clicking the links below:
Part 1 HERE.
Part 2 HERE.
Part 3 HERE
Part 4 HERE
If you are considering opening a family day care service from your home this series will be a valuable step inside what is really involved and the type of educator you need to be to make it work for you…and also your own family. You can also read THIS GUIDE to finding a quality family day care coordination unit to support and guide you.
If you are a parent who is considering choosing family day care as your childcare option this series will certainly help to show why I personally believe this is one of the best options available today for children and families requiring care.
If you are confused about what home based or family day care services offer I hope this series will answer some of your questions.
During this series I am featuring one Australian educator each week – I’ve asked each educator the same questions and I’m going to share their answers and photos with you in every article. There is such a wealth of experience, different personalities and interesting environments across the family daycare profession and this series provides just a glimpse into how a few local educators are doing a job they love!
Home Daycare Educator Spotlight
Renata Stipanovic
What is your Family Day Care service name?
Renata’s Family Day Care
How long have you been a Family Day Care Educator?
20 years
What qualifications & experience do you have?
- Certificate III
- Currently studying for Diploma
- 20yrs Family Day Care experience
- Mum of 4 children (3 boys & a girl)
What is your philosophy regarding working with and caring for young children?
- I believe in encouraging creative and independent thinking
- I believe in respecting the voice of each child as well as valuing their presence
- I believe an interest based play curriculum is the most effective form of learning in the Early Years
- I believe in the importance of sustainability, outdoor adventures and natural resources. Acknowledging the benefits they bring to development and growth
- I believe in embracing risk in play
- I believe in exposing the children to a rich array of resources and experiences
- I believe in applauding the process over the product
- I believe in regular industry training as being the key to growth and passion within an educator
- I believe in the collaboration of child, family, community, Educator, Fdc Scheme
- I believe in a curriculum and philosophy that is continually evolving
- I believe in aspiring to be the best educator that I can be
- I believe in making a positive difference
Why did you choose to open a Family Day Care business?
It all happened by accident actually!
I was in between jobs, at home with newly born child number 3 when I was approached by a friend of a friend that desperately needed to find care for her twin boys. That was 20 years ago now and I’ve never looked back.
Before Family Day Care I was in the banking industry. I didn’t see this career change coming at all. And better still I love my job even more 20 years later, safe to say I’m on the right path in life!
What do you love about being a Family Day Care Educator?
- I love that there seems to be no end to the rewards of this job
- I love that I still get excited to spend my day with the children after 20yrs of being an Educator
- I love the depth of the relationships formed in care with both children and families
- I love that I to learn alongside the children
- I love that my day is spent with such curious beings
- I love that I’m free to manipulate curriculum to suit the individual needs of every child
- I love that I can be of support to families at such a challenging time in life
- I love the hugs and kisses
What is your biggest challenge working in this sector?
- Staying afloat with paperwork requirements
- Learning to let go when it’s time for a child in care to move on
- Simplifying the mind. With social media exposure, It seems I have 100 projects/ideas going on at the one time.
- Keeping my accounting side of business up to date. One day soon I aim to lodge my tax on time!
What do you feel are the biggest benefits to children attending a family day care service like yours that the community and families might not be aware of?
From my observations, the uniqueness of intimate setting in FDC allows for so many benefits on so many levels. I don’t think that I could possibly list them all.
A stand out benefit in my eyes would have to be the depth of social interaction between the children in care. Nobody is ever left out. All ages seem to be inclusive in their play. The empathy and respect shown amongst the children has brought me to tears on many occasions (happy tears that is).
I love that the children are given the privilege of time. Each child is given the time required to explore at one’s own pace.
A FDC service becomes the child’s home away from home. A place of security and reassurance.
A place for child to belong, to be & to become.
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Thank you to Renata for opening her home to us and sharing an insight into her work as a professional family day care educator. I think you'll agree it is easy to see the passion and joy Renata has for her role and her work with children.
Renata has a fantastic talent for making her own resources and creating wonderful outdoor play spaces and experiences.
Stop by her Facebook Page to be inspired!
Thanks Jodie it looks great xx
I love your philosophy!